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synced 2025-02-01 06:44:01 +00:00
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268 lines
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// foxtrot
Begin Doc
Just about any old-fashioned dance piece can be set to a
Author Bob van der Poel
Time 4
Timesig 4 4
Include stdpats
/// Foxtrot
SeqSize 4
Begin Drum-Kick
Tone KickDrum1
Sequence { 1 0 100; 4.75 0 70}
Volume mp
Rtime 5
Rvolume 10
Begin Drum-Side
Tone SideKick
Sequence D4
Volume p
Rtime 10
Rvolume 10
Begin Drum-PHH
Tone PedalHiHat
Sequence D24
Volume p
Rtime 10
Rvolume 10
Begin Drum-OHH
Tone OpenHiHat
Sequence { D13 ; D24 Shift .75 }
Volume p
Rtime 10
Rvolume 10
Begin Bass
Voice AcousticBass
Sequence { B13; 2.75 8 5 70 } \
{ B13; 2.75 8 5 70; 4 4 3 90; 4.75 8 3 70}
Accent 1 20
Articulate 80
Octave 3
Volume mp
Begin Chord
Sequence C1234
Voicing Mode=Optimal
Accent 1 20 3 10
Octave 5
Articulate 80
Strum 2
Volume p
Voice NylonGuitar
// Single notes on the piano...bars 1,3, etc. we hit a
// low root on beat 1; bars 2,4, etc. a high root on
// beat 3.
Begin Bass-Piano
Sequence B1 {B1 Shift 3}
Voice Piano1
Articulate 50
Octave 4 6
Volume mp
// Piano chords on off-beats
Begin Chord-Piano
Sequence { C1 Shift .75; C2 } { C34 Shift .75 }
Voice Piano1
Voicing Mode=Optimal
Volume pp
Articulate 70
Octave 5
DefGroove Foxtrot Basic Foxtrot.
Begin Chord-Sus
Sequence { 1 1 90 0 90 0 * 4 }
Voicing Mode=Optimal
Volume p
Voice TremoloStrings
Octave 5
Articulate 100
Unify On
Defgroove FoxtrotSus Adds sustained strings to Foxtrot.
Groove Foxtrot
Begin Arpeggio
Voice Piano1
Sequence { 1 2 90 * 4; 3.5 4 90 * 4 }
Harmony Open
Articulate 80
Octave 7
Rskip 30
Volume mp
DefGroove FoxTrotPlus A jazzy piano addition to the basic beat.
Chord-Sus Groove FoxTrotSus
DefGroove FoxTrotSusPlus Sustained strings and piano 8ths.
/////// Foxtrot1
Groove FoxTrot
Begin Drum-Crash
Sequence D1 z z z
Tone CrashCymbal1
Volume p
Chord-Piano Sequence C24
Bass Sequence -
Begin Chord-Sax
Sequence C13 {C13; 4.5 8 100} {C1; 2 2 90} C12
Voice TenorSax
SeqRnd On
Volume pp
Voicing Mode=Optimal
Octave 5
Articulate 70
RVolume 3
Begin Walk
Sequence {W1234; 4.75 8 100 }
Voice FretlessBass
Octave 3
Volume pp
Articulate 70
RVolume 5
DefGroove Foxtrot1 FoxTrot with sax section and walking bass.
Chord-Sus Groove FoxTrotSus
DefGroove FoxTrot1Sus TremoloStrings added to FoxTrot1.
/// Intros
Groove Foxtrot
Bass Sequence -
Begin Walk
Voice $_Bass_Voice
Sequence W1234
Accent $_Bass_Accent
Articulate $_Bass_Articulate
Octave $_Bass_Octave
Volume mf
Chord Sequence C1234
Chord-Piano Sequence C13
DefGroove FoxTrotIntro Walking bass intro.
// Fill
Groove FoxTrot
SeqSize 2
Drum-PHH Sequence D1234
Begin Bass
Sequence {1 4 5 90; 2 4 4 90; 3 4 3 90; 4 4 2 90} \
{1 4 1 90; 2 4 2 90; 3 4 3 90; 4 4 1 90}
Articulate 60
Chord Sequence C1234
Bass-Piano Sequence B1
Chord-Piano Sequence C1234
DefGroove FoxtrotFill A 2 bar fill with a rather heavy walking bass.
/// Endings
Groove Foxtrot
SeqSize 2
Drum-Side Sequence -
Drum-OHH Sequence D1234 D13
Drum-PHH Sequence D13
Drum-Kick Sequence D1234 D13
Bass-Piano Sequence -
Chord Sequence C1234 C13
Chord-Piano Sequence C1234 C13
Bass Sequence B11
DefGroove FoxTrotEnd Simple ending, 4 beats on first bar and 2 \
on second.
/// Foxtrot1End
Groove FoxTrot1
SeqSize 2
Alltracks SeqRnd Off
Drum-Kick Sequence D1234 D13
Drum-Crash Sequence D1
Drum-OHH Sequence D8 D12
Drum-PHH Sequence D2
Drum-Side Sequence D13
Walk Sequence -
Bass Sequence B11
Bass-Piano Sequence -
Chord Sequence C13
Chord-Piano Sequence C24 C13
Begin Chord-Sax
Sequence C13
Articulate 99 60
DefGroove FoxTrot1End Ending based on Foxtrot1.