2006-09-12 07:55:28 +00:00

174 lines
4.7 KiB

// VLSheetViewChords.mm
// Vocalese
// Created by Matthias Neeracher on 1/4/06.
// Copyright 2006 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
#import "VLSheetView.h"
#import "VLSheetViewChords.h"
#import "VLSheetViewInternal.h"
#import "VLModel.h"
#import "VLSoundOut.h"
@implementation VLSheetView (Chords)
- (NSAttributedString *) attributedStringWithCppString:(const std::string &)s
attributes:(NSDictionary *)a
return [[[NSAttributedString alloc]
initWithString:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:s.c_str()]
attributes: a]
- (NSAttributedString *) stringWithChord:(const VLChord &)chord
const VLSong * song = [self song];
const VLProperties & prop = song->fProperties.front();
static NSDictionary * sBigFont = nil;
static NSDictionary * sSuperFont = nil;
if (!sBigFont)
sBigFont =
[[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSFont fontWithName: @"Helvetica" size: 14],
if (!sSuperFont)
sSuperFont =
[[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSFont fontWithName: @"Helvetica" size: 12],
[NSNumber numberWithInt: 1],
std::string name, ext, root;
if (chord.fPitch != VLNote::kNoPitch)
chord.Name(name, ext, root, prop.fKey > 0);
NSMutableAttributedString * s =
[[[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] init] autorelease];
[s appendAttributedString:
[self attributedStringWithCppString: name
attributes: sBigFont]];
[s appendAttributedString:
[self attributedStringWithCppString: ext.size() ? ext : " "
attributes: sSuperFont]];
if (root.size())
[s appendAttributedString:
[self attributedStringWithCppString: "/" + root
attributes: sBigFont]];
return s;
- (void) setupChords
const VLSong * song = [self song];
const VLProperties & prop = song->fProperties.front();
NSView * chordView = [chords contentView];
// Delete old list of chord boxes
for (NSEnumerator * e = [[chordView subviews] objectEnumerator];
NSView * subview = [e nextObject];
[subview removeFromSuperview];
// Build new list
NSFont * chordFont = [NSFont controlContentFontOfSize: 14];
int beatsPerGroup = quarterBeats / groups;
for (int m = 0; m<visibleMeasures; ++m) {
const float x0 = clefKeyW+m*measureW;
int measure = firstMeasure+m;
VLChordList::const_iterator cCur = song->fMeasures[measure].fChords.begin();
VLChordList::const_iterator cEnd = song->fMeasures[measure].fChords.end();
VLFraction at(0);
for (int beat = 0; beat<quarterBeats; ++beat) {
const float x = x0+kNoteW*(beat*prop.fDivisions+(beat / beatsPerGroup)+0.5f);
NSRect f = NSMakeRect(x, 0, kChordW, kChordH);
NSButton * chord = [[NSButton alloc] initWithFrame: f];
[chordView addSubview: chord];
[chord setBordered: NO];
[chord setTarget: self];
[chord setAction: @selector(editChord:)];
[chord setTag: (measure << 8) | beat];
[chord setFont: chordFont];
[chord setTitle: @""];
while (cCur != cEnd && at < VLFraction(beat, 4))
at += (cCur++)->fDuration;
if (cCur != cEnd && at == VLFraction(beat, 4) && cCur->fPitch != VLNote::kNoPitch)
[chord setTitle: [self stringWithChord:*cCur]];
[chord release];
[chords setNeedsDisplay: YES];
- (IBAction) editChord:(id)sender
[self showFieldEditor:sender withAction:@selector(doneEditingChord:)];
- (IBAction) doneEditingChord:(id)sender
VLSong * song = [self song];
std::string chordName =
(const char *)[[[sender stringValue] lowercaseString] UTF8String];
// Normalize # and b
for (;;) {
size_t found;
found = chordName.find("\xE2\x99\xAF", 0, 3);
if (found != std::string::npos) {
chordName.replace(found, 3, 1, '#');
found = chordName.find("\xE2\x99\xAD", 0, 3);
if (found != std::string::npos) {
chordName.replace(found, 3, 1, 'b');
found = chordName.find(" ", 0, 1);
if (found != std::string::npos) {
// Check for valid chord
VLChord chord(chordName);
if (!chordName.size()) {
[sender setTextColor: [NSColor blackColor]];
} else if (chord.fPitch == VLChord::kNoPitch) {
if (chordName.size()) {
[sender setTextColor: [NSColor redColor]];
int tag = [sender tag];
song->DelChord(tag >> 8, VLFraction(tag & 0xFF, 4));
} else {
NSAttributedString * s = [self stringWithChord:chord];
[sender setAttributedStringValue: s];
[fieldBeingEdited setTitle: s];
[sender setTextColor: [NSColor blackColor]];
int tag = [fieldBeingEdited tag];
song->AddChord(chord, tag >> 8, VLFraction(tag & 0xFF, 4));