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576 lines
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// swing
Begin Doc
Some pretty good swing stuff. Works well for standards like
"C'est Si Bon". The "Triple" and "Plus" versions are built
on their basics, so it it sounds fine to toggle between, for
example, Swing, SwingPlus and SwingTriple.
Author Bob van der Poel
Time 4
Timesig 4 4
Include stdpats
////// Additional pattern defs
Begin Chord Define
LongSS1 1 4 90 ; 1+81 82 80 ; 2 8 85
LongSS2 1 4 90 ; 2 4 80 ; 3+81 82 85 ; 4 8 80
Begin Bass Define
Sync1 1 4 1 90; 2+81 16 1 80; 3 4 1 90; 4+81 16 1 80
Sync2 1 4 1 90; 2+81 16 1 80; 3 4 5 90; 4 4 1 80
Begin Walk Define
Sync1 1 4 90 ; 2+81 82 80; 3 4 90 ; 4+81 82 80
Sync2 1 4 90 ; 2+81 82 80; 3 4 90 ; 4 4 80
// Basic Swing Patterns
////// Swing
Seqsize 4 // Make all the patterns 4 bars long
// The hats use a swing pattern.
Begin Drum-PHH
Sequence Swing8
Tone PedalHiHat
Rskip 30
Rvolume 10
Rtime 1
Volume p
Begin Drum-OHH
Sequence Swing8
Tone OpenHiHat
Rskip 30
Rvolume 10
Rtime 1
Volume p
// Kicks are one 1,2,3 and 4
Begin Drum-Kick
Sequence D1234
Tone KickDrum2
Rskip 40
Rvolume 10
Rtime 3
Volume mp
Begin Drum-Side
Sequence D1234
Tone SideKick
Rskip 40
Rvolume 10
Rtime 3
Volume mp
// Low-Congas on 1 and 3; hi on 2,4
Begin Drum-LowConga
Sequence D13
Tone LowConga
Rskip 10
Rvolume 10
Rtime 5
Volume f
Begin Drum-HiConga
Sequence D24
Tone OpenHighConga
Rskip 10
Rvolume 10
Rtime 5
Volume f
Begin Chord
Voice Organ3
Sequence {1 2 90 ; 3+81 4. 85 } C1
Octave 6
Voicing Mode=Optimal
Volume mp
Articulate 80
Rvolume 3
Begin Chord-Guitar
Voice JazzGuitar
Sequence C13 C1234
Voicing Mode=Optimal
Articulate 90
Strum 5
Octave 5
SeqRnd On
Volume mp
Rvolume 5
Begin Bass
Voice AcousticBass
Sequence Sync1 Sync2
Articulate 80
Octave 3
Volume mf
Rvolume 10
DefGroove Swing Basic swing beat.
/// Change bass to walking.
Groove Swing
Bass Sequence -
Begin Walk
Voice $_Bass_Voice
Octave $_Bass_Octave
Sequence Sync1 Sync2
Articulate 76
Volume mf
Rvolume 10
DefGroove SwingWalk Change the 1/3 syncapated bass to the same \
pattern, but with a walking style.
////// Single bar triple swing
Groove Swing
SeqSize 1
Drum-PHH Sequence Triple6
Bass Sequence B13
Chord Sequence C13
Begin Chord-Guitar
Sequence Triple6
Articulate 85
Accent 1 30 3 30
DefGroove SwingTriple Modified Swing with quarter note triplets. Good \
for occasional fill bars.
////// Arpeggiating clarinet
Groove Swing
Begin Arpeggio
Sequence Swing8 / / z
Invert 0 1 2 0
Voice Clarinet
SeqRnd On
Volume p
Articulate 70
Rskip 10 50 40 0
Rvolume 10
Octave 6
DefGroove SwingPlus Adds clarinet arpeggios to Swing.
Groove SwingWalk
Arpeggio Groove SwingPlus
DefGroove SwingWalkPlus Swing with walking bass and arpeggios.
/// Sustained strings over the swing pattern.
Groove Swing
Begin Chord-sus
Voice TremoloStrings
Sequence { 1 1 90 0 50 0 * 4 } { 1 1 50 0 90 0 * 4 }
SeqRnd On
Voicing Mode=Optimal
Rvolume 10
Articulate 100
Unify On
Volume p
Octave 5
DefGroove SwingSus Add sustained strings to Swing.
Groove SwingPlus
Chord-Sus Groove SwingSus
DefGroove SwingPlusSus Add sustained strings to SwingPlus. This is\
getting a bit thick sounding.
Groove SwingWalk
Chord-Sus Groove SwingSus
DefGroove SwingWalkSus Swing with walking bass and sustained strings.
Arpeggio Groove SwingPlus
DefGroove SwingWalkPlusSus Swing with walking bass, arpeggio \
and sustained Strings.
/// Variation 1
Groove Swing // Use basic swing voicing
// Leave the drums mostly the same, but cancel the pedal hihats
// and grab a RideCymbal
Drum-PHH Sequence -
Begin Drum-RideC
Copy Drum-PHH
Sequence Swing8
Tone RideCymbal1
// Change the organ to a piano, same rhythm
Begin Chord
Voice Piano2
Octave 5
Articulate 80
// Replace syncopated bass with straight 1/3
Begin Bass
Voice SlapBass1
Octave 3
Articulate 90
Sequence B13
DefGroove Swing1 A more syncopated version of Swing. This sounds \
a bit "twangy" with the piano voice selected.
// Same swing with walking bass
Bass Sequence -
Begin Walk
Voice $_Bass_Voice
Octave $_Bass_Octave
Sequence W1234
Accent 1 10 3 10
Articulate 70
Volume mf
Rvolume 10
Rtime 5
DefGroove Swing1Walk Walking bass version of Swing1.
//// Triplet version
Groove Swing1
SeqSize 1
Bass Sequence B11
Chord Sequence C13
Begin Chord-Guitar
Sequence Triple6
Articulate 99
Accent 1 30 3 30
Drum-HiConga Sequence -
Drum-Kick Sequence D1
Drum-LowConga Sequence D13
Drum-OHH Sequence Triple6
Drum-RideC Sequence Triple6
Drum-Side Sequence D1
DefGroove Swing1Triple Modified Swing1 with quarter note triplets.
///// Sustained versions
Groove Swing1
Chord-Sus Groove SwingSus
DefGroove Swing1Sus Swing1 with sustained strings.
Groove Swing1Walk
Chord-Sus Groove SwingSus
DefGroove Swing1WalkSus Swing1Walk with sustained strings.
//// Clarinet versions
Groove Swing1
Arpeggio Groove SwingPlus
DefGroove Swing1Plus Swing1 with arpeggiating clarinets.
Chord-Sus Groove SwingSus
DefGroove Swing1PlusSus Swing1 with clarinet and sustained strings.
Groove Swing1Walk
Arpeggio Groove SwingPlus
DefGroove Swing1WalkPlus Swing1Walk with the clarinet.
Chord-Sus Groove SwingSus
DefGroove Swing1WalkPlusSus Swing1Walk with clarinet and sustained strings.
////// Variation 2
Groove Swing
// Change the organ chording and voice
Begin Chord
Sequence LongSS1 / / /
Voice Organ3
Voicing Mode=None
Invert 0 2 1 0
Articulate 90
SeqRnd On
Volume p
Octave 5
// Change guitar as well
Chord-Guitar Sequence -
Begin Chord-Sax
Sequence LongSS2 C13 C1234 LongSS2
Voicing Mode=Optimal
Volume ppp
SeqRnd On
Articulate 80 50 50 80
Octave 5
Voice AltoSax
Limit 3 // Just play the 1st 3 chord notes;
// the sustained chords take care of 7ths, etc.
// The bass line consists of 3 bars of walking bass
// followed by a fourth bar of a root/root bass.
Begin Walk
Sequence W1234 / / z
Articulate 60
Accent 1 10 3 10
Octave 3
Volume mf
Voice SlapBass1
RVolume 10
Begin Bass
Voice $_Walk_Voice
Octave $_Walk_Octave
Sequence z z z B11
Articulate 60
Volume mf
RVolume 10
DefGroove Swing2 This version is much better with slower tempos \
(no walking bass versions since it's already marching).
//////// Triplet
Groove Swing2
SeqSize 1
Bass Sequence B13
Walk Sequence -
Begin Chord
Sequence Triple6
Volume mf
Octave 6
Chord-Sax Sequence C13
Drum-HiConga Sequence -
Drum-Kick Sequence Triple6
Drum-OHH Sequence Triple6
Drum-PHH Sequence D1
Drum-Side Sequence Triple6
DefGroove Swing2Triple Modified Swing2 with quarter note triplets.
/// Clarinets
Groove Swing2
Arpeggio Groove SwingPlus
DefGroove Swing2Plus Swing2 with clarinet
///// Sustained version
Groove Swing2
Chord-Sus Groove SwingSus
DefGroove Swing2Sus Swing2 with sustained strings.
//// Combo
Groove Swing2Sus
Arpeggio Groove SwingPlus
DefGroove Swing2PlusSus Swing2 with clarinet.
// Intro
Groove Swing
Alltracks SeqRnd Off
Drum-PHH Sequence Swing8 / / D12
Drum-OHH Sequence Swing8 / / D12
Drum-Kick Sequence D1234 / / D12
Drum-Side Sequence D1234 / / D12
Drum-LowConga Sequence D13 / / D1
Drum-HiConga Sequence D24 / / D2
Chord Sequence {1 2 90 ; 3+81 4. 85 } C1 C13 {1 2 90}
Chord-Guitar Sequence C13 C1234 C13 L1
Bass Sequence Sync1 Sync2 Sync1 B1
DefGroove SwingIntro Simple, 4 bar introduction.
Groove Swing2
Alltracks SeqRnd Off
Drum-PHH Sequence Swing8 / / D12
Drum-OHH Sequence Swing8 / / D12
Drum-Kick Sequence D1234 / / D12
Drum-Side Sequence D1234 / / D12
Drum-LowConga Sequence D13 / / D1
Drum-HiConga Sequence D24 / / D2
Chord Sequence {1 2 90 ; 3+81 4. 85 } C13 C13 {1 2 90}
Chord-Sax Sequence {C1; 3 8 100} / / {1 2 100}
Walk Sequence -
Bass Sequence Sync1 Sync2 Sync1 B1
DefGroove SwingIntro2 Same intro, but Swing2 voices.
// Endings
Groove Swing // Use basic swing voicing
SeqSize 2
Alltracks SeqRnd Off
Chord Sequence C13
Chord-Guitar Sequence C1234 C13
Bass Sequence B1234 B13
Begin Drum-Snare
Sequence D8 D13
Tone SnareDrum1
Drum-Kick Sequence D13
Drum-PHH Sequence -
Drum-OHH Sequence -
Drum-Side Sequence -
Drum-HiConga Sequence D24 D13
DefGroove SwingEnd Basic ending based on Swing. 4 beats on first bar; \
beats on 1 and 3 on the second.
Groove Swing1
SeqSize 2
Alltracks SeqRnd Off
Chord Sequence C1234 C13
Chord-Guitar Sequence C1234 C13
Bass Sequence B11
Walk Sequence -
Drum-Kick Sequence D13
Drum-RideC Sequence D8 D13
Drum-OHH Sequence D1234 D1
Drum-Side Sequence D13 -
Drum-LowConga Sequence D24 D13
Drum-HiConga Sequence D24 D13
DefGroove Swing1End Ending for Swing1.
Groove Swing2
// We use the same inst for the Chords, but change the pattern
// We continue with the Sax Chord for 2 bars, then kill it
// We make the alto play the impossible scale for the 3rd bar,
// and a hold note for the last.
Alltracks SeqRnd Off
Chord Sequence LongSS2 LongSS2 LongSS2 C12
Chord-Sax Sequence C1234 z z z
Begin Scale
Sequence z Scale16 Scale8 Scale2
Direction Up
Articulate 99
Range 3
octave 5
Volume mp
ScaleType Chromatic
Voice AltoSax
// Change the bass to be more repetitive
Bass Sequence z z B11 B11
Walk Sequence W1234 / / z
// And some finality to the the drums
Drum-HiConga Sequence D24 / D1 /
Drum-Kick Sequence D1234 / D13 D1
Drum-LowConga Sequence D13 / / D13
Drum-OHH Sequence Droll / D1234 D1
Drum-PHH Sequence DRoll D1234 D13 D1
Drum-Side Sequence D1234 / / D1
DefGroove Swing2End Swing2 ending with alto sax run. Use ``seq'' so \
that you end on bar 4. The sax plays 1 bar of chords,\
then 16th, 8th, half note runs on bar 2, 3 and 4. If \
don't like the sax run, use ''Scale Off'' to disable.