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// File: VLLayout.cpp - Dimensions for lead sheet layout
// Author(s):
// (MN) Matthias Neeracher
// Copyright © 2007 Matthias Neeracher
#include "VLLayout.h"
#include "VLSheetViewInternal.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
VLSystemLayout::VLSystemLayout(const VLProperties & prop, float width, int maxMeas)
fDivisions = prop.fDivisions;
fNumGroups = prop.fTime.fNum / std::max(prop.fTime.fDenom / 4, 1);
fDivPerGroup = fDivisions * prop.fTime.fNum * 4 / (prop.fTime.fDenom * fNumGroups);
fClefKeyWidth = kClefX+kClefW+(std::labs(prop.fKey)+1)*kKeyW;
fMeasureWidth = fNumGroups*(fDivPerGroup+1)*kNoteW;
fNumMeasures = std::min(maxMeas,
std::floor((width-fClefKeyWidth) / fMeasureWidth)));
static size_t NextBreak(const VLSong & song, size_t after=0)
size_t propIdx = song.fMeasures[after].fPropIdx;
while (++after < song.fMeasures.size())
if (song.fMeasures[after].fBreak || song.fMeasures[after].fPropIdx != propIdx)
return after;
return song.fMeasures.size();
VLLayout::VLLayout(const VLSong & song, float width)
size_t nextBreak = NextBreak(song);
for (size_t meas = 0; meas<song.fMeasures.size(); ) {
push_back(VLSystemLayout(song.Properties(meas), width, nextBreak-meas));
meas += back().NumMeasures();
if (meas >= nextBreak)
nextBreak = NextBreak(song, nextBreak);
int VLLayout::FirstMeasure(int system) const
int meas = 0;
for (int sys=0; sys<system; ++sys)
meas += (*this)[sys].NumMeasures();
return meas;
int VLLayout::SystemForMeasure(int measure) const
int sys;
for (sys=0; sys<size(); ++sys) {
measure -= (*this)[sys].NumMeasures();
if (measure < 0)
return sys;
float VLLayout::MeasurePosition(int measure) const
for (int sys=0; sys<size(); ++sys) {
const VLSystemLayout & layout = (*this)[sys];
if (measure < layout.NumMeasures())
return layout.MeasurePosition(measure);
measure -= layout.NumMeasures();
return 0.0f;
float VLLayout::NotePosition(int measure, VLFraction at) const
for (int sys=0; sys<size(); ++sys) {
const VLSystemLayout & layout = (*this)[sys];
if (measure < layout.NumMeasures()) {
int div = at.fNum*4*layout.Divisions() / at.fDenom;
return layout.MeasurePosition(measure)
+ (div + div/layout.DivPerGroup() + 1)*kNoteW;
measure -= layout.NumMeasures();
return 0.0f;
VLTextLayout::VLTextLayout(VLFontHandler * regular, VLFontHandler * narrow)
: fRegularFont(regular), fNarrowFont(narrow)
void VLTextLayout::AddSyllable(const VLSyllable & syll, float x)
VLLayoutSyll ls;
static_cast<VLSyllable &>(ls) = syll;
ls.fX = x;
typedef std::vector<VLLayoutSyll>::iterator VLSyllIter;
#define NARROW_SPACE "\xE2\x80\x89"
void VLTextLayout::DrawLine(float y)
if (fSyllables.empty())
const float kDashW = fRegularFont->Width("-");
const float kSpaceW = fRegularFont->Width(NARROW_SPACE);
VLSyllIter syll = fSyllables.begin();
VLSyllIter end = fSyllables.end();
float nextW = fRegularFont->Width(syll->fText.c_str());
float nextX = syll->fX-0.5*nextW;
if (syll->fKind & VLSyllable::kHasPrev)
fRegularFont->Draw(nextX-fRegularFont->Width(PRE_DASH), y, PRE_DASH);
while (syll != end) {
std::string text = syll->fText;
VLSyllIter next = syll+1;
float curW = nextW;
float curX = nextX;
while (next != end) {
nextW = fRegularFont->Width(next->fText.c_str());
nextX = next->fX-0.5*nextW;
if (next->fKind & VLSyllable::kHasPrev) {
if (curX+curW+kDashW < nextX) {
// Plenty of space, draw dashes
float dashSpace = 0.5*(nextX-curX-curW-kDashW);
fRegularFont->Draw(curX, y, text.c_str());
fRegularFont->Draw(curX+curW+dashSpace, y, "-");
goto nextText;
} else {
// Fuse & continue
text += next->fText;
curW = fRegularFont->Width(text.c_str());
if (++next != end) {
nextW = fRegularFont->Width(next->fText.c_str());
nextX = next->fX-0.5*nextW;
} else {
if (curX+curW+kSpaceW < nextX) {
// Enough space, draw regular
fRegularFont->Draw(curX, y, text.c_str());
} else {
// Tight space, draw narrow & adjust
fNarrowFont->Draw(curX, y, text.c_str());
nextX = std::max(nextX, curX+fNarrowFont->Width(text.c_str()));
goto nextText;
// At end of line
if ((end-1)->fKind & VLSyllable::kHasNext)
text += POST_DASH;
fRegularFont->Draw(curX, y, text.c_str());
syll = next;