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328 lines
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// bossanova
Begin Doc
This is a great latin rhythm for pieces like
"Girl From Ipanema". There's a real tendency
for me to get these latin rhythms way too complicated, so
if you want to take some stuff out, feel free to do so.
Author Bob van der Poel
Time 4
Timesig 4 4
Include stdpats
// Do all defines first
// For all the beats I describe them with 1,2,3,4 representing on-the-beat
// and 1', 2', etc. being on the and-of-1, and-of-2, etc.
// '8' is 8 8th notes
Begin Drum Define
D2'4' D13 Shift 1.5
D23' D2; 3.5 0 90
D12'3 D13; 2.5 0 90
D12'4 D14; 2.5 0 90
D13' D1 ; 3.5 0 90
D12'34' D13; D2'4'
Begin Bass Define
Basic 1 4. 1 100 ; 2.5 8 5 90 ; 3 4. 5 90 ; 4.5 8 1 90
Begin Chord Define
C1233'4' C123; 3.5 8 90; 4. 8 90
C1'2'34 C12 Shift .5; C34
Sus1 1 1 90 * 2
Sus3 1 1 0 90 0 * 2
Sus5 1 1 0 0 90 0 * 2
// BossaNova
SeqSize 4
Begin Drum
Tone Cabasa
Sequence D8
Rvolume 10
Rtime 5
Volume mf
Accent 2 90 4 90
Begin Drum-LowConga
Sequence D13'
Rvolume 10
Rtime 5
Volume f
Tone LowConga
Begin Drum-OpenHiConga
Sequence D2'4'
Rvolume 10
Rtime 5
Volume mf
Tone OpenHighConga
Begin Drum-MuteConga
Sequence D2
Rvolume 10
Rtime 5
Volume f
Tone MuteHighConga
Begin Drum-LowBongo
Sequence D3
Rvolume 10
Rtime 5
Volume mf
Tone LowBongo
Begin Drum-CHH
Sequence D23
Rvolume 10
Volume mp
Rtime 5
Tone ClosedHiHat
Begin Drum-SideKick
Sequence D12'4 D23' // this is a 3/2 Clave pattern with delayed last beat
Rvolume 10
Rtime 5
Volume mp
Tone SideKick
Begin Drum-Kick
Sequence D12'34'
Rvolume 10
Volume mp
Rtime 5
Tone KickDrum2
Begin Drum-Clave
Sequence D12'4 D23' // this is a 3/2 Clave pattern with delayed last beat
Tone Claves
Volume mf
RSkip 30
Begin Bass
Sequence B13 Basic / /
Accent 1 20
SeqRnd On
RVolume 20
Rtime 5
Voice JazzGuitar
Octave 3
Articulate 70
Volume mf
Begin Chord
Sequence C1233'4' C1'2'34
Accent 1 20 3 10
Voicing Mode=Optimal
Voice JazzGuitar
Articulate 75
Rskip 5
Strum 5
Octave 5
Volume mp
DefGroove BossaNova Standard bossanova beat.
// Sustained versions
Groove BossaNova
// Change the seqsize from 4 to 8. This is done to let us give a lot
// of variety to the voices. We use 5th, 3rds and roots in 2 octaves.
SeqSize 8
Begin Chord-Sus
Voice ChoirAahs / / / VoiceOohs / / /
Sequence Sus1 Sus3 Sus5 Sus1 Sus1 Sus3 Sus5 z
Voicing Mode=Optimal
Volume ppp
Octave 5
Articulate 100
Unify On
SeqRnd On
DefGroove BossaNovaSus Adds sustained choir voices.
/// Back to 4 bar patterns
Groove BossaNova
Begin Chord-Sus
Sequence { 1 1 90 0 80 0 * 2} // Root and fifth notes only.
Octave 5
Voice Strings
Voicing Mode=Optimal
Articulate 100
Unify On
Volume pp
DefGroove BossaNova1Sus Adds sustained strings.
Groove BossaNova
Begin Bass-Sus
Voice Strings
Octave 6
Harmony Open+8Below
Sequence {1 2. 5 90; 4 4 3 90} {1 1 1 90}
Articulate 120
Unify On
Volume mp
DefGroove BossaNova2Sus Basic Bossa with decending string pattern.
Groove BossaNova1Sus
SeqSize 4
Begin Bass-Sus
Groove BossaNova2Sus
Sequence * * z z
Begin Chord-Sus
Sequence z z * *
Volume mp
Octave 6
DefGroove BossaNova3Sus A combination of BossaNova1Sus and BossaNova2Sus. Alternating \
bars of decending strings with full chords.
// BossaNovaFill
// Add some bells. Good for a 1/2 bar transition
Groove BossaNova
// Drum mods ...
// 1 - kill the congas
// 2 - add a triangle
// 3 - add in snares on 8ths
Drum-OpenHiConga Sequence -
Drum-MuteConga Sequence -
Begin Drum-Triangle
Sequence { D1234 Shift .5 }
Rskip 30
Tone OpenTriangle
Volume ff
Begin Drum-Snare
Sequence D1234
Volume mf
RSkip 10
Tone SnareDrum1
Begin Drum-Snare1
Copy Drum-Snare
Sequence { D1234 Shift .5 }
Tone SnareDrum2
// Make the bass just 13
Bass Sequence B13
// Make chord just 1234
Chord Sequence C1234
DefGroove BossaNovaFill Adds a bell to the BossaNova groove and \
forces the chord to a straight pattern. \
This Good for the occasional bar in an ending, etc.
// Intro
Groove BossaNova
Alltracks SeqRnd Off
Bass Sequence B13 Basic / B1
Chord Sequence C1233'4' C1'2'34 / {1 2 90}
DefGroove BossaNovaIntro Dull introduction.
SeqSize 8
Bass Sequence B13 Basic B13 Basic B13 Basic Basic B1
Chord Sequence C1233'4' / C1'2'34 / C1233'4' / C1'2'34 {1 2 90}
DefGroove BossaNovaIntro8 Another dull intro, but this is for 8 bars.
// Endings
Groove BossaNova
Alltracks SeqRnd Off
Bass Sequence B13 / / {1 2 1 90}
Begin Scale
Sequence Scale8 Scale4 Scale2 Scale
Range 4
Octave 4
Articulate 99
Voice Strings
Chord Sequence C1234
Chord Duproot -1
DefGroove BossaNovaEnd The strings do a scale. First bar is eights, \
second is quarters, third is halves, and \
the last is a held whole note.
Begin Chord-Sus
Sequence { 1 1 90 0 80 0 * 2} // Root and fifth notes only.
Octave 5
Voice TremoloStrings
Voicing Mode=Optimal
Articulate 100
Unify On
Volume mp
DefGroove BossaNova1End Same ending, but with sustained strings added.
Scale Sequence -
DefGroove BossaNova2End Ending with sustained strings, but no scale.