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synced 2025-01-14 14:14:00 +00:00
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356 lines
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// bolero
Begin Doc
A try at a Bolero. Written for "Tonight".
Author Bob van der Poel
Time 4
Timesig 4 4
Include stdpats
/////// Instrument patterns
Begin Plectrum Define
P13 1 3 1-6:90; 3 3 1-6:90
P134 P13; 4 3 1-6:90
TR3 1 0 1-6:80 ; 1.33 0 1-6:80; 1.66 0 1-6:80
PL1 P13 ; TR3 Shift 1; TR3 Shift 3
PL2 P134 ; TR3 Shift 1
PL3 P13; TR3
Drum Define Dtriple 1 0 90; 1.333 0 90; 1.666 0 90
SeqSize 4
Begin Drum-Kick
Sequence {D1; D2 Shift .5}
Tone KickDrum1
Rvolume 10
Rtime 2
Volume p
Begin Drum-Hbongo
Sequence {D3 Shift .5}
Tone HighBongo
Rvolume 5
Volume mp
Rtime 2
Begin Drum-Lbongo
Sequence {D4; D4 Shift .5}
Tone LowBongo
Rvolume 5
Rtime 2
Volume mp
Begin Drum-Maraca
Sequence {D1234; D1234 Shift .5; D1 Shift .5}
Tone Maracas
Rskip 10
Volume mp
Rvolume 5
Rtime 2
Begin Drum-Claves
Sequence {D2; D3 Shift .5}
Tone Claves
Volume mp
Rvolume 5
Rtime 2
Begin Plectrum
Voice SteelGuitar
Octave 5
Rskip 20
Rvolume 20
Rtime 10
Volume mp
Sequence { 1.0 +5 80 90 90 90 90 80;
2.0 +5 80 80 80 80 80 80;
2.5 -5 - - 70 70 70 70;
3.0 +5 80 80 80 80 80 80;
3.5 -5 - - 70 70 70 70;
4.0 +5 80 80 80 80 80 80;
4.5 -5 - - 70 70 70 70; }
Begin Bass
Voice FingeredBass
Octave 3
Articulate 80
Accent 1 20
Volume mf
Rtime 10
Rvolume 20
Sequence {1 4. 1 90; 2.5 8 3 90; 4 4 1 90}
Begin Bass-Guitar
Voice NylonGuitar
Volume f
Octave 4
Sequence {1 2. 1 90 } {4.5 8 1 90 }
Articulate 90
DefGroove Bolero Latin-style Bolero rhythm.
Begin Arpeggio
Voice Flute
Volume mp
Octave 5
Range 2
Sequence A8
Articulate 60
Rskip 20
Rtime 10
Rvolume 20
DefGroove BoleroFill Add arpeggiating flute.
Groove Bolero
Begin Chord-Sus
Voice Strings
Voicing Mode=Optimal
Octave 6
Volume pp
Articulate 100
Unify On
Sequence L2
DefGroove BoleroSus Bolero with sustained strings.
Arpeggio Groove BoleroFill
DefGroove BoleroSusFill Sustained Bolero with flute fill.
///// Add arpeggiated guitars
Groove Bolero
Begin Arpeggio-Guitar
Voice NylonGuitar
Articulate 150
Volume mp m mf f
Harmony OpenBelow
Sequence A8
Octave 5
Rskip 10 25 34 50
Rvolume 20
Rtime 10
Begin Plectrum
Volume -40
Rskip 30
DefGroove BoleroAlt Arpeggiated guitars.
Groove BoleroSus
Arpeggio-Guitar Groove BoleroAlt
Plectrum Groove BoleroAlt
DefGroove BoleroAltSus Sustain with Arpeggiated guitars.
Groove BoleroFill
Arpeggio-Guitar Groove BoleroAlt
Plectrum Groove BoleroAlt
DefGroove BoleroAltFill Arpeggiated flutes and guitars.
Groove BoleroSusFill
Arpeggio-Guitar Groove BoleroAlt
Plectrum Groove BoleroAlt
DefGroove BoleroAltSusFill Sustain with arpeggiated flutes and guitars.
///////// Intro
Groove Bolero
Drum-Kick Sequence {D1; D2 Shift .5} / / D1
Drum-Hbongo Sequence {D3 Shift .5} / / D1
Drum-Lbongo Sequence {D4; D4 Shift .5} / / D1
Drum-Maraca Sequence {D1234; D1234 Shift .5; D1 Shift .5} / / D1
Drum-Claves Sequence {D2; D3 Shift .5} / / D1
Plectrum Sequence {1 3 1-6:100; 3 3 1-6:90; 4 3 1-3:80} / {1 3 1-6:90 * 4 } {1 8 1-6:100}
Bass Sequence {1 4. 1 90; 2.5 8 3 90; 4 4 1 90} / / {1 1 1 90}
Bass-Guitar Sequence {1 2. 1 90 } {4.5 8 1 90 } / {1 1 3 90}
DefGroove BoleroIntro 4 bar intro.
///////// Ending
Groove Bolero
Begin Scale
Sequence Scale8 Scale4 Scale2 Scale
Voice Strings
Range 3
Articulate 99
Volume ff
Octave 4
Direction Both
DefGroove BoleroEnd Ending with string scales. Uses 8ths \
on 1st bar 4th on 2nd, halves 3rd and a \
whole note on 4th.
///////////////// More Spanish sounding
SeqSize 4
Begin Drum-Snare
Sequence D13
Tone SnareDrum2
Rvolume 10
Rtime 2
Volume p
Begin Drum-Hbongo
Sequence D13
Tone HighBongo
Rvolume 5
Volume mp
Rtime 2
Begin Drum-Lbongo
Sequence {Dtriple shift 1; Dtriple Shift 3} {Dtriple Shift 1; D4}
Tone LowBongo
Rvolume 5
Rtime 2
Volume mp
Begin Drum-Claves
Sequence {Dtriple shift 1; D14}
Tone Claves
Volume mp
Rvolume 5
Rtime 2
Begin Plectrum
Voice NylonGuitar
Volume mp
Octave 5
Rvolume 20
Rtime 10
Sequence PL1 PL2
Begin Bass
Voice FingeredBass
Octave 3
Articulate 80
Accent 1 20
Volume mf
Rtime 10
Rvolume 20
Sequence {1 4 1 90; 2.5 8 1 90; 3 8 5 90; 4 4 1 90} B11
DefGroove Bolero1 Spanish-style Bolero rhythm.
Begin Arpeggio
Voice $_Plectrum_Voice
Sequence A2 A4
SeqRnd On
RSkip 10
Octave 5
Range 1
Harmony Open
Articulate 100
Unify On
Volume ff
DefGroove Bolero1Fill Add guitar arpeggios to Bolero1.
Groove Bolero1
Begin Chord-Sus
Voice Strings
Sequence { 1 1 90 0 80 0 * 2} // Root and fifth notes only.
Voicing Mode=Optimal
Volume mp
Octave 5
Articulate 100
Unify On
DefGroove Bolero1Sus Spanish Bolero with sustained strings.
Arpeggio Groove Bolero1Fill
DefGroove Bolero1SusFill Sustained Bolero1 with guitar fill.
//// Intro
Groove Bolero1
Drum-Snare Sequence D13 / / D1
Drum-Hbongo Sequence D13 / / D1
Drum-Lbongo Sequence { Dtriple shift 1; Dtriple Shift 3} \
{ Dtriple Shift 1; D4 } / D1
Drum-Claves Sequence { Dtriple shift 1; D14 } / / D1
Plectrum Sequence PL1 PL2 PL1 {1 5 1-6:90}
Bass Sequence {1 4 1 90; 2.5 8 1 90; 3 8 5 90; 4 4 1 90} B11 B13 {1 1 1 90}
DefGroove Bolero1Intro 4 bar intro.
///// Ending
Groove Bolero1
SeqSize 1
Drum-Lbongo Sequence {Dtriple ; Dtriple shift 1 ; D3}
Drum-Claves Sequence {Dtriple ; Dtriple shift 1 ; D3}
Plectrum Sequence PL3
Bass Sequence B11
DefGroove Bolero1End Single bar ending for Bolero1.