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synced 2025-02-01 06:44:01 +00:00
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213 lines
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// 50srock
Begin Doc
Most older rock tunes accept these. Try it with songs like
"There's a Kind Of Hush".
Author Bob van der Poel
Time 4
Timesig 4 4
Include stdpats
//////// Additional patterns
SeqSize 2
Begin Drum-Kick
Tone KickDrum1
Sequence D1234
Volume mp
Rvolume 5
Rtime 5
Begin Drum-Clap
Tone HandClap
Sequence D24
Volume pp
Rskip 5
Rvolume 5
Rtime 5
Begin Drum-Snare
Tone SnareDrum2
Sequence D24 { D24; 3.75 0 80}
SeqRnd On
Volume p
Rvolume 5
Rtime 5
Begin Drum-HH
Tone ClosedHiHat
Sequence { D1234; 2.75 0 90; 4.75 0 90}
Volume mp
Rvolume 5
Rtime 5
Volume mf
Begin Walk
Voice AcousticBass
Sequence W1234 { W1234; 4.75 8 90 }
Octave 3
Articulate 50
Accent 1 10 3 10
Rvolume 20
Rtime 10
Volume mf
Begin Bass-Sax
Voice TenorSax
Sequence B1 B3
Articulate 90
Octave 4
Rvolume 30
Volume p
Rtime 10
Begin Chord-Piano
Voice Piano3
Sequence { C1234; 1.75 8 90 ; 3.75 8 90} { C14; 1.75 8 90; 3.75 8 90 }
Accent 1 20 3 20
Voicing Mode=Optimal
DupRoot -1
Articulate 74
Rvolume 20
Rskip 10
Rtime 10
Volume mp
Octave 5
Begin Chord-Sax
Voice TenorSax
Sequence { C2; C3 Shift .75 } { C1; C3 Shift .75 }
Voicing Mode=Optimal
SeqRnd On
Articulate 60
Octave 5
Rvolume 30
Volume p
Rtime 10
Rskip 10
DefGroove 50sRock Your basic rock beat from the 50s.
//////// Add in sustained strings
Begin Chord-Sus
Voice TremoloStrings
Sequence {1 1 90 0 90 0 * 4}
Voicing Mode=Optimal
Unify On
Volume p
Octave 5
Articulate 100
DefGroove 50sRockSus Sustained strings added.
/// Turn off the shuffle-feel
Groove 50sRock
Begin Drum-Clap
Tone HandClap
Sequence D24
Rskip 20
Rvolume 10
Rtime 10
Volume mp
Drum-Snare Sequence D24 { D24; 3.5 0 80}
Drum-HH Sequence { D1234 ; 2.5 0 90; 4.5 0 90}
Walk Sequence W1234 { W1234; 4.5 8 90 }
Chord-Piano Sequence C134 C14
Chord-Sax Sequence C23 C13
DefGroove 50sRock1 Cut out most of the shuffle. Good for short \
contrast sections.
Chord-Sus Groove 50sRockSus
DefGroove 50sRock1Sus Unshuffled 50s with sustained strings.
////// Intro
Groove 50sRock
SeqSize 4
Alltracks SeqRnd Off
Begin Drum-Kick
Sequence D1234 / / D1234
Volume mp mp mf fff
Drum-Clap Sequence D24 / / D1
Begin Drum-Snare
Sequence {D1234; 2.5 0 90; 4.5 0 90 } / / D1234
Volume p p mp fff
Drum-HH Sequence D1234 / / D13
Walk Sequence {W1234; 4.75 8 90} / / {1 2 90 }
Begin Bass-Sax
Sequence {1 2 1 90}
Octave 3
Volume pp p mp f
Chord-Piano Sequence L1 C24 L1 {1 2 90}
Chord-Sax Sequence { C2; C3 Shift .75 } / / {1 2 90}
DefGroove 50sRockIntro A 4 bar introduction.
////////// Simple Ending
Groove 50sRock
Drum-Snare Sequence D24
Drum-HH Sequence D1234
Walk Sequence -
Chord-Sax Sequence C13
Bass-Sax Sequence -
Begin Bass
Voice $_Walk_Voice
Octave $_Walk_Octave
Sequence B13
Volume ff
Articulate 80
DefGroove 50sRockEnd Simple, single bar ending.