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synced 2025-01-10 12:14:00 +00:00
171 lines
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171 lines
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// slowbroadway
Begin Doc
This is slower version of the "broadway" rhythm. It works in
4/4 time and is voicing compatible. Written for an upbeat version
of "Some Enchanted Evening".
Author Bob van der Poel
Time 4
Timesig 4 4
Include stdpats
//// Basic Pattern
Seqsize 4
Begin Drum-Kick
Tone KickDrum1
Volume mp
Rvolume 10
Rtime 2
Sequence D1234
Begin Drum-Snare
Tone SnareDrum1
Volume mp
Sequence D1 z z z
Begin Drum-HiH1
Tone ClosedHiHat
Volume f
Sequence D1234
Begin Drum-HiH2
Tone ClosedHiHat
Volume mp
Sequence D24
Rtime 2
Rskip 5
Begin Drum-Tri
Tone OpenTriangle
Volume mp
Sequence {D1 shift .2} z D1 z
Begin Bass
Voice AcousticBass
Volume mf
Articulate 60
Rtime 4
Rvolume 10
Accent 1 10 3 10
Sequence B1234 / {1 4 1 90; 3 8 3 90; 4 8 4 90} { 1 4 5 90; 3 4 3 90}
Octave 3
Begin Chord-Piz
Voice PizzicatoString
Volume mp
Rskip 20
DupRoot 1
Rvolume 10
Rtime 5
Voicing Mode=Optimal
Sequence C8
Octave 5
Begin Chord-Gloc
Voice Glockenspiel
Sequence C13 C1 C3 C1234
SeqRnd On
Voicing Mode=Optimal
Rskip 50
Articulate 50
Volume mp
Octave 7
DefGroove SlowBroadway A corny Broadway tune rhythm.
Begin Arpeggio
Voice Flute
Sequence A4
Articulate 95
Rskip 20
Harmony Open
Octave 6
Volume p
DefGroove SlowBroadway1 Add in arpegiating flute.
/// Sustained versions
Groove SlowBroadway
Begin Chord-Sus
Voice Strings
Sequence { 1 1 90 0 80 0 * 2} // Root and fifth notes only.
DupRoot 1 // Plus an octave for brightness
Voicing mode=optimal
Octave 5
Articulate 100
Unify On
Rvolume 5
Volume mp
Chord-Piz Volume -40
DefGroove SlowBroadwaySus Add sustained strings.
Begin Arpeggio
Groove SlowBroadway1
Volume -40
DefGroove SlowBroadway1Sus Sustained strings and apregiating flute.
/// Introduction
Groove SlowBroadway
Alltracks SeqRnd Off
Drum-Kick Sequence * * * D13
Bass Sequence * * * {1 4 5 90; 2 4 3 80; 3 4 2 70; 4 4 1 90}
Chord-Piz Sequence * * * C13
Chord-Gloc Sequence * * * C13
DefGroove SlowBroadwayIntro Simple 4 bar intro.
/// Ending
Groove SlowBroadway
SeqSize 2
AllTracks SeqRnd Off
Drum-Kick Sequence D1234 D12
Drum-Snare Sequence D1 /
Drum-HiH1 Sequence D1234 D12
Drum-HiH2 Sequence * {D1 Shift .5}
Drum-Tri Sequence D1 /
Bass Sequence {B1234; B1234 Shift .5 } B1
Chord-Piz Sequence * {C12;C1 Shift .5}
Chord-Gloc Sequence * C1
Defgroove SlowBroadwayEnd A 2 bar ending.