Matthias Neeracher fb48baaf09 Updated to MMA 1.4
2009-05-17 22:34:44 +00:00

209 lines
3.4 KiB

// rockballad
Begin Doc
Written for slowish/doo-wop things like "You Belong To Me".
Author Bob van der Poel
NewSet SusVoice ChoirAahs
NewSet SusVoiceOctave 4
Begin DocVar
SusVoice Voice used for sustained voicing in RockBalladVoice (default=ChoirAahs).
SusVoiceOctave Octave for sustained voices (default=4).
Time 4
Timesig 4 4
Include stdpats
////// Additional patterns
////// RockBallad
SeqSize 4
Begin Drum
Sequence {D1234 * 3 }
Tone ClosedHiHat
Volume mf
Rskip 1
Rvolume 10
Begin Drum-Snare
Sequence D1234
Tone SnareDrum1
Volume p
Rvolume 20
Begin Drum-Kick
Sequence D1
Tone KickDrum1
Volume mp
Rvolume 20
Begin Bass
Voice FretlessBass
Sequence B13 / / z
Octave 3
Volume mf
Articulate 80
Begin Walk
Voice $_Bass_Voice
Octave $_Bass_Octave
Sequence z z z W1234
Volume mf
Articulate 80
Begin Chord
Sequence C1234 / / { C1234 * 3 }
Accent 1 20 3 20
Voice JazzGuitar
Volume mp
Octave 5
Articulate 80
Voicing mode=optimal
DefGroove RockBallad Basic beat with triplet Hi-Hats.
Groove RockBallad
Chord Sequence C1234
DefGroove RockBallad1 Same as the basic pattern, but skips the chord triplet on bar 4.
// Guitar Fill
Groove RockBallad
Begin Arpeggio
Voice JazzGuitar
Sequence A4 / / { A4 * 3 }
RSkip 5
Octave 4 / / 5
Range 2
Harmony Open / / None
Direction Up
Articulate 105
DefGroove RockBalladFill Add guitar arpeggios.
Groove RockBallad1
Arpeggio Groove RockBalladFill
DefGroove RockBallad1Fill Guitar apreggio fills without 4th bar triplets.
// Adds some (sustained) voices
Groove RockBallad
Begin Chord-Sus
Voice $SusVoice
Sequence { 1 1 90 0 80 0 * 2} // Root and fifth notes only.
Voicing mode=optimal
Volume p
Octave $SusVoiceOctave
Articulate 100
Unify On
DefGroove RockBalladVoice Adds some cheese with choir voices.
Groove RockBallad1
Chord-Sus Groove RockBalladVoice
DefGroove RockBallad1Voice Cheese without 4th bar triplets.
//// Intro
Groove RockBallad
Begin Drum
Sequence {D1234 * 3} / / {1 1 55}
Tone ClosedHiHat / / CrashCymbal1
Drum-Snare Sequence D1234 / / D1
Drum-Kick Sequence D1
Bass Sequence B13 / / {1 4 1 90; 2 4 3 90; 3 4 5 90; 4 4 1+ 90}
Walk Sequence -
Begin Chord
Sequence { C1234 * 3 } / C1234 L1
Articulate 80 / / 105
DefGroove RockBalladIntro 4 bar intro.
Groove RockBalladIntro
Chord-Sus Groove RockBalladVoice
Begin Chord
Volume -10
Sequence C13 / / L1
Articulate 110
Drum Volume -20
Drum-Snare Volume -20
Drum-Kick Volume -10
Bass Volume -20
Walk Volume -20
DefGroove RockBalladSusIntro 4 bar intro with mostly strings.
/// 4 bar ending
Groove RockBallad
Chord Sequence C1234
Bass Sequence B13
Walk SeqClear
Begin Scale
Sequence Scale16 Scale8 Scale4 Scale2
Volume mp
Voice TenorSax
Articulate 99
DefGroove RockBalladEnd Ending with a scaling tenor sax. Use Seq 1 \
to 4 for 16ths, 8th, 4th or 1/2 note runs.
Groove RockBallad
Seqsize 2
Chord Sequence C1234 L2
Bass Sequence B13 B1
Walk Sequence -
DefGroove RockBalladEnd1 Simple 2 bar ending.