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synced 2025-02-01 06:44:01 +00:00
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253 lines
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// chacha
Begin Doc
The Cha-Cha-Cha remains a popular rhythm with broad audience appeal,
despite the fact that it is somewhat dated and made trite by
Americanized versions. I've used "Rico Vacilon" as a demo.
This file was mostly developed from the patterns in
"Latin Rhythms: Mystery Unraveled" by Victor Lopez.
Author Bob van der Poel
NewSet ArpeggioOctave 7
NewSet ArpeggioVoice Flute
NewSet ScaleVoice Flute
Begin DocVar
ArpeggioOctave The Octave setting for the flute arpeggios (default=7)
ArpeggioVoice Voice for the ChaCha1 Arpeggios (default=Flute)
ScaleVoice Voice for the accending scale in ChaCha1Fill (default=Flute)
Time 4
Timesig 4 4
Include stdpats
Seqsize 2
Begin Drum-Clave
Tone Claves
Volume f
Sequence Clave2 Clave3
Rvolume 10
Rtime 5
Begin Drum-LGuiro
Tone LongGuiro
Volume f
Sequence {D13; D13 Shift .2}
Rvolume 10
Rtime 5
Begin Drum-SGuiro
Tone ShortGuiro
Volume f
Sequence {D24; D24 Shift .5}
Rvolume 10
Rtime 5
Begin Drum-HConga
Tone MuteHighConga
Volume m
Rvolume 10
Rtime 2
Sequence {D1; D13 Shift .5} {D1; D1234 Shift .5}
Begin Drum-LConga
Tone LowConga
Volume m
Rvolume 10
Rtime 2
Sequence {D234; D24 Shift .5} D234
Begin Drum-Snare
Tone SnareDrum1
Volume m
Rvolume 10
Rtime 2
Sequence D13
Begin Drum-HH
Tone RideCymbal1
Volume p
Rvolume 10
Rtime 2
Accent 1 70 2 60 3 70 4 60
Sequence D8
Begin Drum-MTom
Tone MidTom2
Volume f
Rvolume 10
Rtime 2
Sequence D4
Begin Drum-HTom
Tone HighTom2
Volume f
Rvolume 10
Rtime 2
Sequence {D4 Shift .5}
Begin Bass
Voice JazzGuitar
Volume f
Octave 3
Articulate 100
Unify On
Sequence {1 4 1- 90; 2.5 16 5 90; 3 8 3 90; 4 4 1 90} \
{1 4 1 90; 2.5 16 5 90; 3 8 5 90; 4 4 1- 90}
Begin Chord
Voice Piano1
Volume mf
Articulate 66
Voicing Mode=Optimal
Octave 5
Rskip 10
Rvolume 10
Sequence {C12; C34 Shift .5} {C23 Shift .5}
DefGroove ChaCha Our basic, non-American, pattern.
////// Add in flute arps.
Groove ChaCha
Begin Arpeggio
Voice $ArpeggioVoice
Volume m
Articulate 80
SeqRnd On
Octave $ArpeggioOctave
Range 1
Direction Random
Harmony Open
HarmonyVolume 50
Rskip 10
Rvolume 30
Rtime 20
Sequence A8 A4
DefGroove ChaCha1 Adds in flute arpeggios.
////// Sustained
Groove ChaCha
Alltracks Volume -20
Begin Arpeggio-Sus
Voice Bandoneon
Volume p
Octave 6
Articulate 100
Harmony Open
Range 1
Direction Random
Sequence A2
DefGroove ChaChaSus Adds sustained string arpeggios.
Groove ChaCha1
Arpeggio-Sus Groove ChaChaSus
DefGroove ChaCha1Sus Combines the flute and string arpeggios.
//// Fills
Groove ChaCha
Seqsize 1
Drum-Clave Sequence D1234
Drum-HConga Sequence { D1234 Shift .5 }
Drum-LConga Sequence { D1234 Shift .75 }
Bass Sequence {1 2. 1 120; 3 4 5 120}
Chord Sequence C13
DefGroove ChaChaFill A one bar fill.
Groove ChaChaFill
Begin Scale
Voice $ScaleVoice
Octave 6
Volume mf
Sequence { 1 1 90 * 24 }
Articulate 102
Range 2
ScaleType Chromatic
Direction Up
DefGroove ChaCha1Fill Fill with accending flute run. Makes a good section introduction.
////// Introduction
Groove ChaCha
SeqSize 4
Drum-Clave Sequence * * * D14
Drum-LGuiro Sequence * * * D1
Drum-SGuiro Sequence * * * {D12 Shift .5}
Drum-HConga Sequence D13
Drum-LConga Sequence D24
Drum-Snare Sequence D1
Drum-HH Sequence * * D16 D123
//Drum-MTom Sequence D4
//Drum-HTom Sequence {D4 Shift .5}
Bass Sequence * * * B11
Chord Sequence * * C1234 L1
DefGroove ChaChaIntro A plain 4 bar introduction.
///// Ending
Groove ChaCha
Drum-Clave Sequence D1234 D13
Drum-LGuiro Sequence * z
Drum-SGuiro Sequence * {D2; D2 Shift .5}
//Drum-HConga Sequence D13
Drum-LConga Sequence D2
Drum-Snare Sequence D8 D1
Drum-HH Sequence D16 z
Drum-MTom Sequence * z
Drum-HTom Sequence * z
Bass Sequence * B11
Chord Sequence * L1
DefGroove ChaChaEnd The End.