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AVRsack is an integrated development environment for the Atmel AVR series of microcontrollers. It is designed to be an alternative for the Arduino 1.0.x application, offering:

  • A more powerful text editor with a variety of styles.
  • A more powerful build system with incremental rebuilds.
  • A more powerful upload system with finer grained control over logging.
  • Full build/upload logs without arbitrary size restrictions.
  • Support for handling multiple simultaneous serial ports.
  • Support for assembly programming and disassembly of object code.
  • Support for alternate AVR toolchains, such as Crosspack-AVR

AVRsack was written and designed by Matthias Neeracher microtherion@gmail.com

For editing text, AVRsack relies on Michael Robinson's ACEView, a Cocoa wrapper for the Ace code editor.

![Basic screenshot] (https://github.com/microtherion/AVRsack/raw/master/Screenshots/AVRsack.png)